Polymer Opto-electronics Laboratory





Name: Show-An Chen (陳壽安)

Present Positions:
■ Honorary Chair Professor, Chemical Engineering Department,
National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan
■ Life-Time National Chair Professor (offered by the Educational Ministry of Taiwan, ROC)
■ Director, Frontier Research Center on Fundamental and Applied Sciences of Matters, National Tsing Hua University, (2011.08-date).
■ Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Polymer Research (Springer Publisher) (1994.01-date)
■ Editor (single editor), “Handbook of Polymer and Hybrid Photovoltaics”, Wiley Publisher (appointed with agreement signed on Dec. 2014; to be finished by Dec. 2016).


Publications and Patents:
Published 310 research articles with H-index 52, highly cited papers (more than 100 times) 15, and total citation 8125; presented 78 invited/keynote/plenary lectures; and been granted 17 multi-country patents.

Address: Chemical Engineering Department, National Tsing-Hua University, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan
Tel: 03-5710733; 03-5715131#5700; Fax: 03-5737798;
E-mail: sachen@che.nthu.edu.tw



1. Washington University, Chemical Engineering, D.Sc., 1969
2. University of Rochester, Chemical Engineering, M.S., 1967
3. National Cheng-Kung University, Chemical Engineering, B.S., 1962

Professional experiences

1. Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, National Tsing-Hua University, 1974 to date.
2. Chairman, Chemical Engineering Department, National Tsing-Hua University, 1979-1982.
3. Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, National Tsing-Hua University, 1973-1974.
4. Research Scientist, W. R. Grace & Co., 1970-1973.
5. Senior Chemist, UniRoyal Inc., 1969-1970.
6. Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Visiting Scholar, 1989.1-1989.4

Research Interests

■ From 1970 to 1985: conventional polymers including structure-property relationship, processing, and polymerization reaction engineering.
■ From 1982 to date: conjugated polymers including molecular design, synthesis, structure-property relationship, and device fabrication and physics (light emitting diode, solar cell, field effect transistor).

Award(s) and honor(s)

1. National Chair in engineering and applied science offered by Educational Ministry (1999.8-2002.7; 2002.8-2005.7; life-time National Chair)
2. Tsing Hua University Hou Jin-Duei Senior Chair Professor (2010.8-2013.7)
3. National Chung Kung University, 2011 Alumni Outstanding Achievement Award (2011.7.19)
4. Tsing Hua Distinguished Chair Professor (2006.8-2010.07)
5. Outstanding Scholarship Award by Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship (1995-2000; 2006-2010)
6. Science and Technology Award offered by Executive Yuan of ROC (December 22, 2003)
7. Outstanding Research Award offered by Pan Wen-Yuan Foundation (June 2007)
8. TECO technology award offered by Teco Technology Foundation (November 10, 2004)
9. Outstanding Honor Award by Hou Jin-Duei Foundation (1997)
10. Visiting Outstanding Scholar appointed by the National Science Council (ROC)/National Research Council (Canada) (under Eminent Research Project), 2002.10.
11. Academic Award in Engineering by Educational Ministry (1984)
12. Chung-Shan Academic Research Award by Chung-Shan Academic Foundation (1982).
13. Outstanding Research Award (1985-1995) and Distinguished Researcher (1995-2001) by National Science Council.
14. Fellow of Asian-Pacific Academy of Advanced Materials (2000-date).
15. Chairman of the Polymer Society (Taipei) (2002.2-2004.1; 2010.3-2012.3).
16. Chairman for Macro Congress 2008, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), to be held in Taipei, Taiwan, July 2008.
17. Vice Chairman, Flexible Electronics Industry Alliance (FEIA), Taiwan, July 2005-2007.
18. Chairman, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), World Polymer Congress (Macro 2008), Taipei, Taiwan, June 29-July 4, 2008.
19. Life-Time Achievement Award, the Polymer Society, Taipei, January 9, 2009.
20. Fellow, the Polymer Society, Taipei, 2015.02.

Editorial Boards

■ Editor in chief, Journal of Polymer Research, Springer Publisher (from founding at 1994 to date).

■ Advisory Board: Macromolecules (ACS), 2011-01-2013.12

■ Advisory Board: Asia Materials (Nature publishing), 2007-date

■ Advisory Board: Polymer (Elsevier), July, 2005-2012

■ Advisory Board: Polymer Review, (Taylor & Francis), January 2005-date

■ Journal of Macromolecular Science: Physics, (Taylor & Francis) 1996-date

■ Materials Chemistry and Physics (Elsevier), 1992-2000.

Research Projects

2002-2006 Chief Investigator, “semiconducting Polymers for Electroluminescence” project, program for promoting university Academic Excellence sponsored by the Educational Ministry and National Science Council, Taiwan.

2006-2010 Chief Investigator, “semiconducting Polymers for Electroluminescence”, Post Excellence Project sponsored by National Science Council, Taiwan. [Note: The accomplishment from the above two large projects has been elected as one of the “National Science Council 50 Scientific Achievements” (from 1959 to 2008) and ranked the fourth (being the top in the category of engineering and applied science)].

2010-2013 Chief Investigator, “Fundamental Studies on Polymer/Nanorod Array (and Nonoparticle) Hybrid Solar Cell”, National Project on Nano Materials Research sponsored by National Science Council, Taiwan.

2013-2017 Principal Investigator of “Metamaterial-Based Nanostructured Thin Films for Optoelectronics” Subproject C “Nanocrystals/Conjugated Molecules Hybrid Systems for Opto-electronics”, Nation Free Excellent project sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan.

Selective Articles in Conjugated Polymers

(A) Polymer Solar Cell

Multiple Functionalities of Polyfluorene Grafted with Metal Ion-Intercalated Crown Ether as an Electron Transport Layer for Bulk-Heterojunction Polymer Solar Cells: Optical Interference, Hole Blocking, Interfacial Dipole, and Electron Conduction”, S.-H. Liao, Y.-L. Li, T.-H. Jen, Y.-S. Cheng, and S.-A. Chen*, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 134, 14271−14274 (2012).

“Fullerene Derivatives-Doped Zinc Oxide Nano-Film as Cathode of Inverted Polymer Solar Cells with Low Band Gap Polymer (PTB7-Th) for High performance”, S.-H. Liao, H.-J. Jhuo, Y.-S. Cheng, and S.-A. Chen*, Advanced Materials, 25, 4766–4771 (2013)

“Single Junction Inverted Polymer Solar Cell Toward Power Conversion Efficiency Up to 10.31% with Bisfullerene Derivative and Indium Dual-Doped Zinc Oxide Nano-Film as Cathode Interlayer”,S.-H. Liao, H.-J. Jhuo, P.-N. Yeh, Y.-S. Cheng, Y.-L. Li, Y.-H. Lee, S. Sharma, S.-A. Chen*, Scientific Reports, 4 : 6813 DOI: 10.1038/srep06813, 2014.

(B) Polymer Light Emitting Diode

“Soluble Electroluminescent Poly(phenylene vinylene)s with Balanced Electron and Hole Injections”, Y.-Z. Lee, X. Chen, S.-A. Chen*, P.-K. Wei, and W.-S. Fann, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 123, 2296-2307 (2001).

“Efficient Light Harvesting by Sequential Energy Transfer across Aggregates in Polymers of Finite Conjugational Segments with Short Aliphatic Linkages”, K.-Y. Peng, S.-A. Chen* and W.-S. Fann, Journal of the American Chemical Society, (2001), 123, 11388-11397.

“High-Efficiency Red-light Emission from Polyfluorenes Grafted with Cyclometalated Iridium Complexes and Charge Transport Moiety”, X. W. Chen, J.-L. Liao, Y.-M. Liang, M. O. Ahmed, H.-E. Tseng, and Show-An Chen*, Journal of the American Chemical Society, (2003), 125, 636-637.

“Fine Tuning the Purity of Blue Emission from Polydioctylfluorene by End-Capping with Electron-Deficient Moieties”, M.-C. Hung, J.-L. Liao, Show-An Chen*, S.-H. Chen and A.-C. Su, Journal of the American Chemical Society, (2005), 127, 14576-14577.

“High triplet energy polymer as host for electrophosphorescence with high efficiency”, Y.-C. Chen, G.-S. Huang, C.-C. Hsiao, and Show-An Chen*, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128, (2006), 8549-8558.

“Effective Shielding of Triplet Energy Transfer to Conjugated Polymer by its Dense Side Chains from Phosphor Dopant for Highly Efficient Electrophosphorescence”, S.-P. Huang, T.-H. Jen, Y.-C. Chen, A.-E. Hsiao, S.-H. Yin, H.-Y. Chen, and Show-An Chen*, Journal of the American Chemical Society, (2008), 130, 4699-4707.

“Creating a Pseudo-Metallic State of Potassium Ion by Intercalating it into 18-Crown-6 Grafted on Polyfluorene as Electron Injection Layer for High Performance of Polymer Light Emitting Diode with Oxygen- and Moisture-Stable Aluminum as Cathode”, H.-H. Lu, Y.-S. Ma, N.-J. Yang, G.-H. Lin, and Show-An Chen*, Journal of the American Chemical Society,(2011),133, 9634-9637.

(C) Hole Transport Polymers

“Synthesis of Water Soluble Self-acid-doped Polyaniline”, S.-A. Chen*, and G.-W. Hwang, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 116, 7939-7940 (1994).

“Water-Soluble Self-Acid-Doped Conjugating Polyaniline :Structure and Properties”, S.-A. Chen* and G.-W. Hwang, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 117, 10055-10062 (1995) .

(D) Electron Transport Polymers

“Creating a Pseudo-Metallic State of Potassium Ion by Intercalating it into 18-Crown-6 Grafted on Polyfluorene as Electron Injection Layer for High Performance of Polymer Light Emitting Diode with Oxygen- and Moisture-Stable Aluminum as Cathode”, H.-H. Lu, Y.-S. Ma, N.-J. Yang, G.-H. Lin, and S.-A. Chen*, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 133, 9634–9637 (2011).

“Design of hole blocking layer with electron transport channels for high performance polymer light-emitting diode”, C.-C. Hsiao, A.-E. Hsiao, and Show-An Chen*, Adv. Mater., 20, 1982–1988 (2008)